AP bio.

25 Oct

So, here I am in AP bio, and I am so bored that I’ve managed to finish a lab conclusion and write a small note on here. I’m so over school. At least I’m maintaining a 4.08 and working 30 hour weeks. Go me. Statistics time, byeee.


19 Oct

I have been horrible about blogging the past two months. Sorry, to all of my faithful invisible readers! And people that randomly stumble on my page, you should just follow me to see what witty things I come up with next time I get around to posting.
I have been SWAMPED with work and homework lately. Im maintaining all a’s and b’s with close to 30 hour work weeks.. How many high schoolers can say they do that?? Probably a bunch, but still. I’m impressed with myself.
I’m also very proud of my boyfriend for doing well in college. Just saying. 🙂 also, he got me flowers. Win

So, id just like to tell everyone something. It is not acceptable to buy coffee and candy for a complete stranger. Unless you are the type of person that is cool with accepting the coffee some random guy hands to you, because he remembers you mentioning that it was delicious at one point while you were barista-Ing. I am personally NOT okay with this. It was creepy. You don’t do that. I’m even slightly nervous to walk out to my car alone at night now. But whatever. Maybe I’m just weird for not seeing how beautiful this gesture was.
Also, my phone autocorrects dumb to Dumbledore. WIN7 FTW!


19 Aug

Oops, it’s been a while. Only ten days, but still! I was hoping to be able to blog all the time, but school/work kind of gets in the way of that.

Only a week in and I’m freaking exhausted already. Gaaaaaah.

There is this girl in my AP lit class that glued beads on the bridge of her nose so it looked like she had a piercing. I don’t like her because she is kind of a bitch for absolutely no reason.

My teacher makes the absolute best brownies I’ve ever taste in my entire life. Mmm. Brownies.

I haven’t played sims in a while, my families are probably very sad and feel super neglected. Waaaah. AP Bio time? Work at 8 am. Grawr

9 Aug

FUCK you, Sony!

I love it when i type out a whole fucking blog post and then my wireless connection cuts out because my computer is stupid.
I hate everything.


8 Aug

Guess who just got a new job? This girl, right here! I am now employed by the Starbucks in my local Super Target. I know, big accomplishment. Whatever, it’s still better than the bakery from hell, and I’m pretty damn excited! I’ve been applying for like, a year now? Something like that. I’m just glad I have something now.

I’m hoping to get 20 hours every week so I can pay my bills and what not, which basically add up to $488/month. If I do 17.5 hours a week, get 70 hours/month, thenI should make like $595. Car insurance, phone bill, gas, netflix, prescription.. That should be it.

My summer homework is almost finished! It is so exciting. I’m not waiting until the night before, for the first time during high school! Yeeaaah!

Things are going well. 🙂

7 Aug

I am so in love with Essie’s Sand Tropez nail polish. I’m too white for dark nails, so I’m glad to find somehting that actually looks good on my strange hands!

Anyways, I just thought I’d blog about my weekend. It’s nice to be off work, and just sitting around for a few days, and I don’t really realize that most times. This weekend consisted of Mt. Fuji Hibachi (it was amazing), the family, and lots of the boyfriend.
Today I got to take Justin out on a date. >:) I love those days. We shopped for a bit, replaced my glitchy phone, and say The Change Up. I think.

It was hilarious. It’s always a nice surprise when they don’t include all of the funny parts in the previews, which was exactly the case in that movie!

All in all, it was just a good day.

Oh YEAH! I made that cheesecake using the recipe I might have linked to in an earlier post. It’s amazing. I made two, and  one cracked (which I was really sad about). I’m taking it to the office tomorrow.

My glasses need to be fixed, or I need to get a bigger head.


The bakery.

5 Aug

I work two jobs. One in an office building, and one is in a bakery.
I fucking HATE the bakery. I love my co-workers, but I want nothing more than to just blow up the bakery, and most likely the owner too. It is disgusting, dramatic, disgusting, and I absolutely hate it there. After my first day of “trainging,” I was pretty much on my own in the place. It’s not a small bakery, it’s got a pretty big kitchen and dining area. I get left there to clean the entire place by myself, and no one cleans up their messes most nights. During the school year, she would schedule me every night, and I’d get stuck there until roughly 10 pm. The best part? We closed at 6. That’s 4 hours of closing.
I’m not sure why I still work there, aside from not being able to find another job. So I guess I actually do know why I work there; I’m not appealing to any other businesses. Yaaaay me.
A few weeks ago, she shorted me 10 hours, hid my time card, and lied about it. “She” is my boss/the owner, Michelle. She’s the devil, and I can’t stand her. I wouldn’t say that I hate her, but she’s not someone I like.

This kid I work with, Dustin, is a psycho. Apparently he is sleeping with some girl that works there, and everyone knows. She was supposed to close the other location last night, but never showed, so Chelsea (Dustin’s sister) said “Dustin, tell your bitch to get her ass into work!”
Dustin flipped out. He grabbed Chelsea by her face, took her into the office and started screaming at her, then came out and started throwing around crates and shit. He’s absolutely crazy. Oh yeah, this all happened during our lunch rush, with like 20 cutsomers in the dining area. Crazy. What bugged me the most is that none of my coworkers that were present did anything; they all booked it into the front area. Am I the only person that would have said something, had I been there?That doesn’t seem right to me, whether it was a family matter or now. Oh yeah, Dustin and Chelsea are Michelle’s kids. Still keeping up? The boss’ kids. Dustin gets paid to sit around and make bagels all day, which currently taste horrible. Chelsea actually works.

I love my bakery!

I never have good titles.

5 Aug

Don’t you just love waking up in the morning with a splitting headache? There’s not even a reason for it, that I know of. I just got to work this morning, and I feel like dying. Whatever.

Anyways, onto more interesting things!

Tongight I plan on attempting to bake a cheesecake. Mm. It’s not just a cheesecake, but a Caramel Macadamia Nut Cheesecake. I found the recipe here!

I’ll post some pictures for my zillions of readers if I’m not too embarassed with my baking skills.


To My Loyal Readers:

3 Aug

-crickets chirping-

Just kidding, no one reads this. Oh well.

At any rate, I once again saw something on my news feed that just made me think, “What the fuck?”

This chicks is pregnant, a couple months younger than me, so in love, blahblahblah, your normal teen mom. Well, she went in to labor 7-ish hours ago, and has been supplying all of her facebook friends with updates. While she’s going into labor. While her water is breaking. As she is pushing.

Seriously? Are you going to let us know when you’re crowning too? When you shit all over the place? Come on, don’t hold back now.

I know, “if you don’t want to see it then delete her waaaahwahwah.” But if I deleted people like this girl, then the point of having a facebook would be totally ruined, seeing as I only kept my facebook to laugh at the stupid things people say (and to keep up with the latest drama, of course).

Want to see some cool things? No? Well too bad! This is MY blog!

Part one of my senior picture shoot was on Saturday, but my mom won’t give me the rest of the pictures until we finish them all up. I’m not sure what Justin is doing with his arm there, but okay. He’s a special one.



24 Jul

I’ve decided to put myself on some kind of new diet. Not really a diet, but more of a watch what I eat kinda thing. Eating healthier will allow me to feel better about myself, and to look better! Along with eating better, I am going to work out more.

Food plans-

-I plan on eating more fruits and veggies. For instance, instead of eating a ton of shitty food for lunch at work, im getting a salad. I always feel better when I get a salad instead of those little chicken nuggets, even if I use ranch. Plus, I love salad. It’s a win-win situation. Also, fruit with whatever junk I find for breakfast in the morning.

-I drink soda every single day. This can’t go on anymore! From now on, only 2 soda days a week, until I can work myself down to none. I’ve already started doing this, so it won’t be so bad.

-Sundays can be my cheat day for this healthy food thing. If I have leftovers from sunday’s grossness, it only makes sense that I’m going to eat them for lunch 0on Monday, so I guess that can be okay too, but only if I eat something healthy with whatever it is.

I wish I could decide what my family eats for dinner, but since I don’t buy the groceries, I don’t really get a choice. Oh well. Here goes nothing.